Rajko Grlić 1 h 22m A new film by director Rajko Grlić, who wrote the screenplay with writer Anto Tomić. The successful lawyer Maks Pinter (Jako Popović Volarić) freed the powerful Dink Horvat (Živko Anočić) from the indictment for double murder. At the party, a drunken Maks openly tells Dink that he considers him a […]
Director: Todd Phillips Cast: Brendan Gleeson, Catherine Keener, Joaquin Phoenix, Lady Gaga, Zazie Beetz Duration: 138 min Joaquin Phoenix in the role of Arthur Fleck aka the Joker and the famous Lady Gaga as Harley Quinn in the glamorous madness and continuation of the cult psychological thriller from 2019! The screenplay is again written by […]
Duration: 1h 29m Good-natured 10-year-old Lucija decided to rob a bank. And a few weeks earlier, she wouldn't even cross the road at a red light. In the meantime, the ice cream maker broke down and, without 30 thousand Euros, the family pastry shop will have to be closed. That is why drastic measures are […]